
40 medium cucumbers — cut lengthwise in

— half 3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup pickling salt

3 Tablespoons mixed pickling spice

1 quart water

1 quart vinigar

Pack in Jar: 1 bayleaf

1 whole garlic clove

1/2 teaspoon mustard seed

1 small piece red pepper

1 small head of dill

Combine sugar, water, salt and vinegar. Tie spices in cheesecloth and add to mixture. Simer 15 minutes. Pack cucumbers into hot sterilized jars leavin 1/4″ head space. Add bayleaf, garlic,mustard seed, small head of dill and pepper to the jar.Heat the brine to a hard boil, pour boiling hot over cucumbers,leave 1/4″ head space for liquid too. Cap and process pints or quarts 15 minutes in boiling water canner. Makes 7 pints.

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