
2 pk Jello; orange

2 c Hot water

1 c Cold water

1 cn Apricots; (lg cn) drained

– Save the juice 1 cn Pineapple; (lg cn) crushed

– drained – save the juice 1 pk Marshmallows; small

1 c Saved juice

2 tb Flour

2 tb Butter

1 Egg; beaten

1/2 c Sugar

1 pk Dream Whip or Cool Whip

Longhorn cheese, grated 1. Mix together: Jello, water, apricots and crushed pineapple.

2. When Jello starts to set up, press one solid layer of small

marshmallows over the top. 3. Mix together juice, flour, butter, egg, and sugar. Cook this sauce

until thick, stirring constantly. This sticks easily. 4. Prepare Dream Whip (or use Cool Whip) and fold it into the sauce.

5. Put the sauce over the top of the marshmallows.

6. Sprinkle coarsely grated cheese on top – about 1/2 cup total. Don’t use

too much cheese. Chill before serving Taken from: IT NEVER TURNS OUT THE SAME WAY COOKBOOK A Collection of Recipes from the Kitchen of Joyce and Clem Kohl

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