
4 ts Butter or vegetable

-shortening 2 Eggs, separated

1/2 ts Salt

1 tb Parsley, minced

1/4 ts Nutmeg

1 1/8 c Bread or coffee cake

-crumbs 1 qt Beef broth

Cream the butter, add egg yolks, salt, parsley, and nutmeg and mix well. Add the crumbs and beaten egg whites. With hands dipped in flour, roll dough into little balls the size of a walnut. Cook slowly, uncovered, in beef broth for 10 minutes. May also be cooked in pea or rice soup. Source: Amana Colony Recipes – Family-size recipes of the foods prepared and served in the Amana Villages for over a century. Compiled by The Ladies Auxiliary of the Homestead Welfare Club, Homestead, Iowa – 1948 Posted on GEnie Food & Wine RT Jun 07, 1993 by COOKIE-LADY [Cookie] From the recipe files of Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator at net/node 004/005

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