
1 tb Vegetable oil

3/4 lb Smoked kielbsas (Polish

-sausage), cut into 1″pieces 1 Yellow bell pepper, cut into

-1/4inch strips 1 Red bell pepper, cut into

-1/4″ strips 1 Onion, sliced thin

1/2 c Water,plus 2 tb. hot water

3/4 lb Yellow-fleshed or russet

-(baking) potatoes 1/4 c Milk, scalded

1 Scallion, minced

1 tb Unsalted butter, cut into

-bits In a large heavy skillet heat the oil over moderate heat until it is hot but not smoking and in it brown the kielbasa. Add the bell peppers and the onion and cook the mixture, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the 1/2 cup water and simmer the mixture, covered partially, for 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. While the kielbasa mixture is simmering, in a steamer set over boiling water steam the potatoes, peeled and cut into 3/4 inch pieces, covered, for 12 minutes, or until they are very tender, transfer them to a bowl, and mash them with a potato masher. Beat in the milk the 2 tbsp. hot water, the scallion, the butter, and salt and pepper to taste and stir the potato mixture until the butter is melted. Serve the kielbasa mixture on the mashed potatoes.Serves 2 Typed in MMformat by Cindy Hartlin Source: Gourmet’s Short Order. —–

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