
2 c Cracked Wheat

2 lb Ground Lamb or Beef

2 lg Onions

2 ts Salt

1 ts Black Pepper

1 ts Ground Cinnamon

Wash wheat several times in cold water. Allow wheat to stand in water for about 1 hour. Grind meat and onions fine. Mix with seasonings and wheat. If necessary, moisten hands in small bowl filled with cold water. Thorough mixing or kneading of the mixture is very important. Kibbi may be fried, baked plan, broiled or baked with a filling. When using a filling, spread half of kibbi into 10×10″ pan that has been greased with butter; be sure to bring mixture all the way to the edge of pan. Add filling. Top with other half of kibbi. Run knife around edge of the pan to help seal layers together. Cut, no deeper than top layer, into diamond shapes. Dot with butter and bake at 400~ for about 30 minutes or until brown. Serves 10 to 12.


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