
1 c Chopped onions

1 lg Garlic clove, pressed

2 tb Minced chilies

3 tb Olive oil

1/2 ts Ground cinnamon

1/4 ts Ground cloves

4 sm Potatoes, cubed

3 c Drained canned tomatoes,

–chopped 2 c Cut green beans

1 sm Zucchini, sliced

2 c Corn

1 tb Cilantro

Salt In a stewpot, saute onion, garlic, chilies in the oil for 5 minutes. Add cinnamon, cloves, potatoes & cook for another 5 minutes, covered. Stir in tomatoes, green beans & cover & cook for 5 minutes more. Add the zucchini & corn. Simmer, covered on low heat till the vegetables are tender. If the stew seems too dry, add some tomato juice or water. Add cilantro & salt to taste. Serve with cornbread. “Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant Cookbook”

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