
1 1/2 c Rice

1/3 c Slivered almonds

2 ea Garlic cloves minced

1 ea Med. onion chopped

1/2 c Chopped dates pitted

1/3 c Chopped prunes pitted

3 ea Dried apricots chopped

1 T Salt

1 c Lamb finely ground

– cooked 1 t Vegetable oil

Mix the lamb, almonds, fruits, onion, salt, and garlic in a large bowl. Cook the rice until almost done. Be sure to add the oil to the rice as it cooks. Do not drain! Add the lamb mixture and finish cooking the rice. Serve as a side dish or as main course. This is an easy dish that is a palate pleaser. ORIGIN: Chef Pyotr Numurdaleshev, Kazakh Aul Restraunt, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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