
2 1/2 C Kashi — cooked

2 Lg Apples — cut in lg pieces

8 Oz Nonfat Cottage Cheese — (1 c.)

1/2 C Nonfat Yogurt

1/2 C Honey

1 Tsp Vanilla

1 Tsp Cinnamon

1/2 C Raisins

Topping: 1 C Walnuts — chopped

1/2 Tsp Cinnamon

1/2 Tsp Honey

Mix all ingredients except topping in large bowl until well blended. Grease lightly a 1 qt. casserole dish about 2 1/2 inches deep. Pour in kugel. Sprinkle the topping to cover and bake in 3500 oven for 45 min. or until lightly firm. Serve warm or cool in refrigerator.

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