
3 Egg Beaters? 99% Egg Substitute — Or Equiv

2 Cups sugar

1/2 Cup applesauce

3 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract — Alcohol Free

3 Cups all-purpose flour

1/4 Teaspoon double-acting baking powder

1 Teaspoon baking soda

3 Teaspoons cinnamon

2 Cups zucchini — coarsely shredded

1 Cup seedless raisins

Peel, remove seeds and shred zucchini. Sift dry ingredients together – set aside. Beat eggs until foamy. Gradually add sugar, applesauce, vanilla and zucchini – beat until smooth. Add dry mix. Stir in raisins. Place batter in two Pammed and floured loaf pans (8-1/2″ x 4-1/4″). Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

One serving = one slice

> From: Gerard_Mcmahon_at_USAGNET5__FTDETRCK@ftdetrck-ccmail.army.mil

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