
————————-VEGETARIAN VOICE;VOL 20 #3————————- 1/4 c Almond butter

1/4 c Tahini

1/2 c Rice syrup

1 ts Vanilla extract

1/4 ts Salt (optional)

2 c Crispy brown rice cereal

1/3 c Almonds; roasted; chopped

-(optional) 1/3 c Carob or chocolate chips

-(optional) 1/3 c Coconut (optional)

In a heavy saucepan over low heat, combine almond butter, tahini and rice syrup until soft. Turn off heat. Add vanilla and salt. Fold in cereal and optional ingredients. Mix well. Press into a lightly oiled 8″ x 8″ pan. Chill in refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours. Recipe from The Big Carrot Deli, Toronto Posted on GEnie Food & Wine RT Jul 15, 1994 by DEEANNE Nutritional information per serving: xx calories, xx gm protein, xx mg cholesterol, xx gm carbohydrate, xx mg sodium, x.x gm fiber, xx gm fat ( x gm sat, x gm mono, x gm poly), x.x mg iron, xx mg calcium, x% of calories from fat. Brought to you by MMCONV and Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, Internet sylvia.steiger@lunatic.com, moderator of GT Cookbook

and PlanoNet Lowfat & Luscious echoes

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