
Cookie dough: 1 c Butter; softened

2/3 c Packed brown sugar

1/4 ts Salt

1 Egg

1/3 c Dark corn syrup

2 1/2 tb Kalua (coffee liqueur)

2 1/2 c Flour

Pecan filling: 1/4 c Butter

1/4 c Dark corn syrup

2/3 c Powdered sugar

3/4 c Pecans

Toasted and finely chopped 1 tb Kalua

DESCRIPTION: Tiny cookie cups filled with a rich pecan-Kalua topping. Doughs require refrigeration before forming cookies. COOKIE CUPS: Beat together butter, brown sugar and salt until light and fluffy. Beat in egg, corn syrup and Kalua. Stir in flour in 1/2-cup additions, blending well after eachaddition. Cover, and refrigerate 4 hours. PECAN FILLING: Combine butter, corn syrup and sugar in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally just until mixture comes to a full boil. Immediately remove from heat; stir in pecans and Kalua. Refrigerate 1 hour, or until firm. Roll 1/2 teaspoons of mixture into 72 balls. Place on a sheet, cover, and freeze until ready to use. ASSEMBLY: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Roll heaping teaspoons of dough into balls and arrange, 1-1/2″ apart, on prepared baking sheets. Use the tip of a wooden spoon handle to make 1/2″ deep indentation in the center of each ball. (Dip handle in cold water between uses.) Bake cups 5 minutes and remove from oven. Press balls of pecan filling firmly into center of each cookie cup. Return to oven, and continue baking 5 minutes, or until golden brown. Helen Jolly —–

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