
1 c Black whole gram beans

2 tb Red kidney beans

1 c Chopped onions

2 tb Chopped ginger

3/4 c Chopped tomatoes

1 c Water

1/2 ts Ground cardamom

1 tb Ground coriander

1/2 ts Red pepper

2 ts Salt

6 tb Ghee

4 tb Ghee

1 1/2 ts Cumin seeds

1 c Minced onions

1/4 c Coriander leaves, chopped

Wash the gram beans. Place both the grma beans & kidney beans in a large pot. Add 4 cups of water & bring to a boil. Turn off heat & let sit for 2 hours. Add the onions, ginger, tomatoes, 1 cup water, cardamom, coriander, pepper, salt & 6 tb ghee. Mix well, bring to a boil & simmer for 4 1/2 to 5 hours. Keep the heat very low so that you maintain a bare simmer during

the cooking period. After cooking, remove 2 to 3 cups of the beans & blend them till smooth. Return to the pot. Keep the dal on a low simmer. Heat ghee & add the cumin seeds when ghee is very hot. After 10 seconds, add the minced onion & cook gently for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour over the dal & mix in the coriander. Simmer till heated through. Serve with Royal Vegetable & Rice Casserole. Julie Sahni, “Classic Indian Cooking”

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