
1 c Sugar

1 c Molasses

1 c Lard

2 ea Egg yolks

1 tb Vinegar

1/2 ts Ginger

1/2 ts Cinnamon

1/4 ts Cloves

1 ts Baking soda

2 tb Water; hot

2 ea Egg whites

Firm jelly; for centers Use 1 level t. soda dissolved in 2 T. hot water. Flour to make a very stiff dough. Roll, cut and dip in egg white, then in granulated sugar. Put firm jelly in center or each cookie. Watch closely as they will burn easily. Note: Combine all ingredients except egg whites. Use additional granulated sugar for dipping. No temperature given, but probably 375 F. Source: Laura Lehew, Maple Grange, Hardin County, OH

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