
Hand: 1 c Semolina flour — durum

1/2 ts Jalapeno flakes — dried

(1/2 to 1) OR 1-2 jalapeno — diced 1 Egg

1 tb Water — if & as needed (1

To 2 )

OR jalapeno liquid Electric Extruder: 1 1/4 c Semolina flour — durum

1/2 ts Jalapeno flakes — dried

(1/2 to 1) OR 1-2 jalapeno — diced 1 Egg

1 tb Vegetable oil — optional

1 tb Water — if & as needed (1

To 2) OR jalapeno liquid Follow whatever method you normally use to mix and knead your dough. Ingredients are given for Manual or Electric Machine. Recipe By : The Pasta Machine Cookbook From: Date: —–

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