
2 1/2 tb Olive oil, divided use

1 Large red bell pepper diced

1 Medium fennel bulb, trimmed

Diced 1/4 ts Crushed red pepper flakes

Divided use Salt to taste Juice of 1 large lemon 4 tablespoon, divided use

1 lb Large peeled shrimp

1 Small clove of garlic

Minced 3 Green onion, sliced

1 tb Drained capers

1 ts Reduced-fat mayonaise

2 or 3 easpoons minced fresh

Rosemary Heat 1 Tablespoon of the oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add bell pepper, fennel, half of the crushed pepper flakes and salt to taste. Cook, stirring often, until vegetables begin to brown at the edges, 6 or 7 minutes. Transfer to a mixing bowl and add half of the lemon juice. Add 1 Tablespoon oil to pan. When hot, add shrimp, remaining pepper flakes and salt to taste. Cook Stirring, until shrimp are pin, 2 to 3 minutes, adding remaining lemon juice and garli just before it is taken off the heat. Add to vegetables Add remaining ingredients, including the remaining 1/2 Tablespoon oil, and mix well. The salad can be served when it cools to room temperaturor chilled overnight. Adjust the seasoning at serving time.

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