
1 1/2 quarts stock

2 c water

3/4 c barley

1 c celery — chopped

1 c carrot — grated

1 c onion — chopped

4 cloves garlic — crushed

1/2 c red wine

lemon peel 1″x1/2″ pepper & salt 1/2 tablespoon basil

1/4 tablespoon oregano

1/2 c fresh parsley

2 bay leaves

1/2 tablespoon rosemary

2 tomatoes — chopped

4 tablespoons tomato paste

grated Parmesan or Romano

Bring stock and water to boil. Add barley and reduce heat. Add vegt’s, wine, peel, pepper and salt and simmer for 2 hrs. covered. Stir often to prevent barley from sticking to the pot.. Add herbs, tomatoes, and paste. Continue simmering for an hour, covered. Add a handful of grated cheese before serving. Serves 8

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