
1/2 c Butter

1 c Cream cheese

1/4 c Mayonnaise

6 oz Crab meat

1 lg Onion, chopped fine

Cocktail sauce 2 T Lemon juice

1/2 t Garlic, crushed (or a

-pinch of instant garlic) 1 T Worcestershire sauce

Allow butter and cream cheese to soften before starting. Mix mayo, butter and cream cheese. Do not use a blender, as the mixture will get soupy. Add lemon juice, garlic, worcestershire sauce, pepper, etc. to taste. Mix in crab (or whatever) and onion. Of the choices, I feel crab is the best. Chill at least two hours, cover with cocktail sauce. This is an important part of the recipe. I recommend Wakefield crab meat, Shrimp or Shrimp & Crab. I usually use Crosse & Blackwell’s cocktail sauce, but feel free to use any kind that you trust. You can make your own simple cocktail sauce by mixing 3 parts catsup to 1 part horseradish and adding tabasco, garlic, worcestershire sauce to taste. Serve over Triscuits (they’re nice and strong, to survive heavy scooping) or veggies. Irish is the friend from whom I got this recipe. NOTES: * Incredible crab or shrimp dip — My first encounter with this dip came at a New Year’s party a few years ago. I was standing by the munchies table trying not to embarrass myself too much, when a woman came up to me and pointed out this dip. She explained to me that at a previous party she had lost control eating it and got a spoon! It’s incredibly rich, and requires a lot of will power not to eat too much. Yield: Serves 6 gluttons. : Difficulty: easy. : Time: 5 minutes preparation, 2 hours cooling. : Precision: approximate measurement OK. : Larry Tepper : AT&T Information Systems, Denver : lat@druil.UUCP : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust

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