
8 ea Aburage (fried bean curd)

2 c Water

—————————-SEASONING FOR CONES—————————- 1 1/2 c Broth **see below

1 tb Shoyu

1/2 ts Salt

2 tb Fish flakes or dried shrimp

3 tb Sugar

—————————-VEGETABLES FOR RICE—————————- 3 ea Dried mushrooms;softened in

-water then minced 1 tb Dry fish flakes or dry shrip

1/2 c Minced carrot

1/2 ts Salt

1 tb Sugar

1 c Water

1/2 c Minced green beans

1/4 c Shoyu

Inner part of aburage;minced Cut aburage in half to form cones. Take out inner part carefully and reserve for vegetable sauce. Cook aburage cones in water for 30 minutes. Drain;squeeze out excess liquid. Combine all seasoning ingredients in a pan and simmer the aburage in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Drain and squeeze gently. Cook all ingredients for vegetables together for 10 minutes or until carrots are tender. Drain and add to the basic sushi rice. Loosly pack the rice into the cones. ** Use packaged Japanese broth such as Dashi No Moto.

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