
1 ea Zest (peel) of 1 orange

1 x Juice of 1 orange

1 c Rice

1 x Water to add to orange

1 ea Raw carrot

1 x Juice to make 1.5 c

1 x 1 or 2 T Raisins

1 x 2 or 3 T Almonds (any form

1/2 c Sugar

1 x Blanched almonds, whole,

1/2 t Salt

1 x Slivered, halved, etc.)

3 T Butter or oil

1. Remove zest (thinnest part of skin–orange only, as little white as

possible) from orange using swivel-bladed peeler. Trim ragged edges off zest, Slice into long, thin strips. Set aside. 2. Squeeze orange to extract juice; strain; add enough water to make 1.5

cups. Set aside. 3. Soak raisins in water to cover, or 1 tbsp. sherry

4. Shred carrot (food processor, hand grater, etc.) Set aside.

5. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter or oil in the pot to be used to cook

rice. Put a light under pot. When oil starts bubbling, add almonds, stir-fry briefly till they brown slightly, remove, set aside. 6. Add remaining batter and carrots. Stir-fry carrots for 2-3 minutes;

carrots will absorb all the oil in the pot. 7. Add to pot: water/orange juice mixture, sugar, salt, orange peel. Turn

up heat, bring to boil. 8. When mixture boils, add rice; drain carrots, add them.


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