
20 Dried chili peppers

4 pounds Chili meat

1 teaspoon Oil

1 Medium onion — chopped

5 Cloves garlic — minced

1 teaspoon Oregano

1 teaspoon Comino

Salt and pepper to taste 1 can (10 oz) tomato sauce

3/4 cup Water

2 1/2 tablespoons Masa flour

Remove stems and seeds from chili pods. Wash and put into a large pan and cover with water. Simmer until tender. Drain. Place peppers in food processor and puree. Put aside. Brown meat in small amount of oil. Add onion and garlic. Simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the oregano, comino, salt and pepper. Add peppers to the chili meat. Add tomato sauce and water, then bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 to 4 hours. More water may be added during cooking. When almost done, thicken with flour/water paste.

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