
—————————–MIX IN A SMALL PAN—————————– 1 c Hot water

2/3 c Oatmeal

-cook gently for 5-6 minutes ————————————ADD———————————— 1 tb Raisins;

1/2 ts Cinnamon;

1 tb Sunflower seeds;

———————————SERVE WITH——————————— 1/4 c Milk or yogurt (low-fat)

Food Exchanges per serving: 2 STARCH/BREADS EXCHANGES + 1 FRUIT EXCHANGES 1 FAT EXCHANGE + 1/2 MILK EXCHANGE; CAL: 352; PRO: 15gm; FAT: 6gm; CAR: 57gm; Source: Vegetable Cooking for Diabetics by Patricia Mozze. Brought to you and yours via Nancy O’Brion and her Meal Master

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