
4 Chicken Breasts *

4 tb Soy Sauce

1 tb Salad Oil

6 c Water

3/4 ts Ground White Pepper

3 tb White Wine Vinegar

1/4 lb Snow Peas

1 Red Pepper, Thin Strips

8 oz Bamboo Shoots, Drained

2 Chicken Bouillon Cubes

1 lb Firm Tofu, Cut Bite Size

1/3 c Cornstarch

2 Eggs

1 Green Onion, Thinly Sliced

* Chicken breasts should be skinned and boned. ~——————————————————————— ~– Cut the chicken into 1/8 in. slices. Stir the chicken slices with 1 T soy sauce in a bowl. Cook chicken in oil in 5 qt. dutch oven until tender, about 3 min. Remove the chicken, add the remaining soy sauce to pan with next seven ingredients, and heat to boiling, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 min. or until veg. are tender. Add chicken and tofu, bring to boil over medium heat. Stir cornstarch and 1/3 c. water in small bowl until smooth. Gradually add the mixture to the simmering soup until slightly thickened and smooth. Beat the eggs in a small bowl and slowly pour into soup, stirring gently until set. Top with green onion.

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