
1 c Liquid honey

1/2 c Butter, softened

2 Eggs

1 ts Vanilla

2 c All-purpose flour

1 ts Baking powder

1 ts Ground cardamom

1/2 ts Baking soda

1/2 ts Salt

2/3 c Sour cream

——————————STREUSEL TOPPING—————————— 1/2 c Sliced almonds

1/3 c Packed brown sugar

1/3 c All-purpose flour

2 tb Butter

———————————–ICING———————————– 1/2 ts Cinnamon

2/3 c Icing sugar

2 ts Milk

[For Valentine’s Day use an 8-cup heart-shaped pan and bake for 1 hour and fifteen minutes.] In bowl, beat honey with butter until smooth; beat in eggs, 1 at a time, and vanilla. Stir together flour, baking powder, cardamom, baking soda and salt; add to honey mixture alternately with sour cream, making 3 additions of dry mixture and 2 of sour cream. spoon into greased 9-inch springform pan, smoothing top. Streusel Topping: In small bowl, stir together almonds, sugar and flour; cut in butter until crumbly. Sprinkle over batter. Bake in 350F 180C oven for about 1 hour or until tester inserted into centre comes out clean. Let cool in pan on rack for 15 minutes. Remove from pan; let cool completely. Icing: Sprinkle cinnamon over cake. Whisk icing sugar with milk; drizzle over cake. 10 servings for $6.21 CDN [Feb/95]

Per serving: about 440 calories, 6 g protein, 18 g fat, 66 g carbohydrate Source: Canadian Living magazine, Feb 95 Presented in article by Donna Paris “Easy Recipes: It’s a Honey of a Country” [-=PAM=-] PA_Meadows@msn.com

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