
8 c Vanilla ice cream

3 c Crispy rice cereal

2 c Shredded coconut, toasted

1 1/2 c Chopped nuts, toasted

1/2 c Packed brown sugar

1/2 c Butter, melted

Soften ice cream in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Meanwhile mix together cereal, coconut, nuts, sugar and butter. Spread half of themixture into bottom of 13×9-inch baking dish. Spoon ice cream over top, smoothing with back of spoon; sprinkle remaining coconut mixture over top. Freeze until set, about 30 minutes, or for up to1 day. let stand at room temperature for 5 minutes, cut into squares. Source: Canadian Living magazine [Jul 95] Originator: Wanda Taylor, Ameliasburg, Ontario, Canada Per Serving: about 485 calories, 7 g protein, 32 g fat, 46 g carbohydrate [-=PAM=-] PA_Meadows@msn.com

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