
—————————-MM BY HELEN PEAGRAM—————————- 4 lb Chicken, cut in pieces

1 Onion, peeled

4 Cloves, whole

1/2 ts Mace

1/4 ts Pepper

2 Celery stalks, cut in

-chunks 2 Bay leaves

1 1/2 ts Salt

1/2 ts Thyme

1/2 ts Rosemary

4 Sprigs parsley

2 lg Carrots, cut in chunks

1/4 lb Vermicelli pasta

Chopped fresh parsley In the 1600’s when Amsterdam was a booming commercial centre, the Dutch East India Company brought pungent spices, such as nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, to Holland. These spices linger on in Dutch cooking. If mace is not available, nutmeg can be substituted. In a large pot, place chicken. Pour in enough boiling water to cover; bring to a boil over high heat. Remove chicken to a clean pot. Stud onion with cloves and add to chicken along with bay leaves, 1/2 ts salt, thyme, rosemary, mace, pepper, celery, parsley sprigs and carrots. Pour in 12 cups cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered for 5 hours, or until meat comes away from the bones. Let cool and skim off fat. Strain through cheesecloth lined sieve. Remove meat from bones, chop and set aside. Return chicken stock to a clean pot and bring to a boil. Add vermicelli. Cook for 5 minutes. Return chicken and remaining salt to pot. Cook just until heated through. Taste and adjust seasonings. Garnish with chopped parsley. From Canadian Living Nov/93

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