
10 Eggs

1/2 c Flour

1/2 ts Salt

4 tb Butter

1 pt Cottage cheese, small curd

1 ts Baking powder

16 oz Monterey Jack, shredded

2 c Chilies, green, chopped

1 lb Ham, sliced

Preheat oven to 350. Melt butter. Chop ham. Beat eggs until light-lemon-colored. Add flour and remaining ingredients. Pour into well-greased casserole dish. Bake 40 minutes, until knife inserted in middle comes out clean. Posted on GEnie by C.SVITEK [cathy], Nov 22, 1992 MM by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator, net/node 004/005

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