
2 t Crushed basil leaves

2 t Crushed parsley flakes

1 t Dried tarragon leaves

1 t Onion powder

1 t Salt

1/2 t Garlic powder

1/4 t Black pepper

2 c Minature carrot halves

1 c Fresh green beans, cut into

-2 inch pieces 1/3 c Water

2 c Cauliflower

2 c Broccoli florets

1/2 c White zinfandel wine

1 c Sliced fresh nushrooms

1 c Sliced fresh zucchini

1 c Sliced fresh yellow squash

1 c Sliced fresh pattypan squash

1 Red bell pepper, sliced into

-strips 1 c Fresh or frozen peas

1/4 c Olive oil

1 c Radish halves

In a small cup combine basil, parsley, tarragon, salt, onion and garlic powders and black pepper; set aside. In a 3 quart microwaveable casserole combine carrots, green beans and water. Cover with vented plastic wrap and microwave on high for 6 minutes. Add cauliflower and broccoli, cover and microwave on high 6 minutes more. Drain vegetables, add wine and reserved seasonings. Stir, cover and set aside. In a 2 quart casserole, place mushrooms, zucchini, yellow and pattypan squash halves, red bell pepper and peas. Add olive oil, toss to coat. Cover and microwave on high 4 minutes, or until vegetables are tender-crisp. Stir mushroom mixture into carrot mixture. Add radishes, cover and microwave on high 4 minutes, or until steaming hot. Source: Houston Chronicle

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