
2 T (soy) margarine

1 1/2 T Flour

1/2 c (soy) milk

1/2 c White wine

1 Wedge of onion left in one

Piece (I can’t tolerate much Onion, so I Used about a 4cm x 2cm Wedge) 1 ds Ground cloves

1 ds Salt

x Some water 1/2 lb Or so herbed tofu, cubed

(about 1.5 cm cubes) x Your favorite pasta, enough For two servings Melt margarine in pan and wisk in flour. Cool a bit and then wisk in wine and (soy)milk. Add onion, cloves, and salt to sauce and stir over low heat until sauce is slightly thickened. If it gets too thick, add some water. Add tofu and simmer while you cook the pasta. Serve tofu and sauce over pasta, giving the onion to the person who likes them more. From: Teresa Marie Esch <TME9U@GALEN.MED.VIRGINIA.EDU>. rfvc Digest V94 Issue #200 Sept. 17, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, TXFT40A@Prodigy.com using MMCONV.

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