
1 2/3 c Quaker Oat Bran hot cereal,

-uncooked 1 c Quaker Oats (quick or old

-fashioned) 1/3 c Instant nonfat dry milk

-solids 1/4 c Honey

1/4 c Hulled sunflower seeds

2 tb Vegetable oil

2 tb Water

1 ts Grated orange peel

1/2 ts Vanilla

3/4 c Dried banana chips

1/2 c Raisins

Healthy Oat Granola Heat oven to 350 degrees. Combine oat bran, oats, dried milk, honey, sunflower seeds, oil, water, orange peel, and vanilla; mix well. Spread in a 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown, stirring once afetr 10 minutes. Stir in banana chips and raisins. Cool completely. Store tightly cocvered up to 1 week. Serve cold or hbot with skim milk or as a topping over fruit, low fat yogurt or ice milk, if desired. (about 430 calories per serving) *To heat* To heat 1 serving hot cereal, place 1 cup granola in a 2-cup microwavable bowl. Add 1/2 cup skim milk. Microwave on HIGH about 1 minute 30 seconds or until heated through; stir.

Recipe from Quaker Oat Bran Cookbook

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