
1 sm Butternut squash

1/2 c Hazelnuts

1 c Onions, diced

1 ts Garlic, minced

1 tb Olive oil

1/2 c Breadcrumbs

Preheat oven to 350F. Cut squash into quarters, remove seeds & place in a baking dish with 1/2 c water. Cover & bake till tender. Cool & then scrape out the flesh & mash. Set aside. Increase oven temperature to 375F. Place hazlenuts on a cookie sheet & roast until lightly browned, about 7 minutes. Let cool & then rub off their skins. Saute onion & garlic in oil until browned. Add 1 c suqash & cook for 2 minutes over medium heat. Place all ingredients in a food processor & process until smooth. Use to fill pasta dough of your choice & cook as desired. “Vegetarian Gourmet” Spring 1994

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