
1 c Butter; softened

8 oz Cream cheese; soften

2 1/2 c Flour, all-purpose

1 c Macadamia nuts; chopped

3 Eggs; beaten

1 1/2 c Brown sugar, packed

1/2 c Shredded coconut

2 tb All-purpose flour

1 ts Baking powder

Cream butter and cream cheese; gradually add 2 1/2 cups flour, beating until well blended. Shape dough into 1″ balls. Pat balls into greased muffin pans, shaping into shells. Sprinkle 1/2 cup chopped nuts evenly over shells. Combine eggs and brown sugar in a medium bowl; mix well. Stir in remaining 1/2 cup chopped nuts, coconut and remaining ingredients. Pour mixture evenly into shells, filling half full. Bake at 350 F for 15 to 18 minutes. Reduce heat to 250 F and bake for 10 minutes.

Source: Lorna Burger in “We, The Women of Hawaii Cookbook” by We, The Women of Hawaii/Waialua, Oahu. —–

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