
1 sm Pie pumpkin, cleaned out

2 ea Potatoes

2 ea Carrots

1 ea Onion, finely chopped

2 cl Garlic, crushed

Olive oil Fresh parsley, basil, thyme – chopped Salt & pepper 4 tb Cream

2 tb Butter

2 tb Soy sauce (optional)

Sour cream Chopped chives Cut pumpkin, potatoes and carrots into pieces and steam until tender. Remove peel from pumpkin. Save steaming water. Saute onion and garlic in a little olive oil until transparent. Puree onion, garlic and vegetables in a food processor, adding reserved water. Return the puree to a saucepan and add spices, salt and pepper, cream, butter and soy sauce. If soup is too thick, thin with a little water, milk or chicken stock. Heat but do not boil. Garnish with a dollop of sour cream and chives. Source: The Harrowsmith Cookbook, Volume Three — ~– WM v3.10/91-0126 * Origin: Doctor On Board: Niagara’s Medical Host 905-937-1907 (1:247/101)

=========================================================================== BBS: DomTech OS/2 Date: 12-04-93 (12:37) Number: 205 From: STEPHEN CEIDEBURG Refer#: NONE To: JIM BODLE Recvd: NO Subj: Hedgehog Conf: (6) Cooking

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