
1/3 c Flour

1/2 c Chick peas

1/2 lb Lean lamb or beef diced

2 Large onions, chopped

1/4 ts Saffron

2 tb Paprika

1 Soup bones

1 tb Butter

2 tb Salt

1/2 ts Pepper

1/2 c Dried broad beans

1 1/2 lb Tomatoes

1 Bunch parsley

1 Bunch fresh coriander

1 tb Butter

1/3 c Rice

1 Lemon

1/2 c Lentils

Soak overnight 1/3 c flour in 1 c water; 1/2 c chick peas in water to cover Brown in lightly oil deep pan lamb, onions, saffron and paprika (increase or decrease according to taste). Add 6 cups of water, soup bones, butter, salt, pepper, pre=soaked chick peas with skins popped off and discafrded, and the dried broad beans which have been washed and cleaned. Simmer, covered, for 2 hours or more. 20 mins. before serving, put through a food mill into the soup pan (or blend with one cup of water) the tomatoes, parsley, corinader & the flour and water paste. Add 3 cups of water, and when it returns to boil, add the vermicelli. When the vermicelli is cooked, add 1 T butter and lemon juice (or serve a wedge of lemon with each bowl to be squeezed on the soup at the tatle). the soup should be elvety; so add water or flour thickening if it is not. *Note: Lentils may be substituted for chick peas; meat can be chicken; yearst may be used in place of flour and water if that mixture was not made night before; rice may be substituted for vermicelli. A soup served each night at sundown to break the Ramadan Fast. This receipe is from COOKING IN MOROCCO by the American Women’s Association of Rabat.

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