
———————————–SAUCE———————————– 2 T Oyster sauce

1 t Sugar

2 T Rice wine or sherry

1 T Rice vinegar

1 T Soy sauce, reduced sodium

1 T Ketchsup

1 Clove garlic, crushed in a

Press ——————————–HAM AND JADE——————————– 4 oz Lean ham, cut into thin-

Strips 1 T Peanut or Canola oil

1 md Onion, peeled & sliced into

Thin strips (1 to 1 1/2 c) 1/4 t Sugar

1 1/2 t Ginger, minced

2 c Broccoli florets

1 Carrot, peel & slice diag.

2 T Walnuts, coarsely chopped

SAUCE: Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in measuring bowl. Stir well to blend; set aside. HAM AND JADE: Lightly precook the broccoli by placing the damp florets in a microwave-safe container. Cook on high (100%) power for 3 minutes, stiring after one minute. Remove and allow to cool. Lightly precook the carrot slices in the microwave for 1 minute on high. Allow to cool. Assemble all ingredients near the wok. Heat the oil in the wok or large non-stick skillet over high heat. When hot, add the onion slices, Cook, stiring constantly for about 4 minutes, until onions are soft and lightly brown. Sprinkle with sugar and ginger and cook for 1 minute longer. Add the broccoli, carrots and ham and cook, stirring constantly for 2-3 min. until broccoli is tender, but still has some crunchiness. Stir in the sauce and walnuts and bring mixture to a boil. Cook for 1 min. longer, until fragrant. Remove from heat. Serve immediately over Gingered Rice.

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