
1 large Ripe avocado

2 cups Alfalfa sprouts

5 large To 6 carrots — washed peeled

And grated Italian dressing —–TOOLS—– Paring knife Spoon Mixing bowl Fork Carrot peeler Grater 4 Salad bowls

With an adults help, cut avocado in half. Use a spoon to scopp out the pit.

Scoop avocado out of the shell and put in the bowl. Add sprouts to the avocado meat. Mash with a fork. It is ok to leave some lumps. Set the mixture aside.

Divide the grated carrots among the four salad bowls.

Using your clean fingers and a spoon, make walnut size hairballs from the avocado mixture and arrange them on top of the grated carrots. Pour Italian “saliva” dressing over hairballs and serve. Serves 4 cat fanciers.

Sicko serving suggestion: Squeezw ribbons of chocolate icing “hairball” medicine out of a paper cone onto the backs of your guests hands to be licked off for dessert.

From the Book: Gross Grub by Cheryl Porter Random House ISBN 0-679-86693-0 Shared by Carolyn Shaw 10-95

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