
1/2 Piece fresh ginger, sliced

1 sm Onion, sliced

1 Or 2 fresh, hot red

-chilies, seeded, sliced 1/2 ts Salt

1/4 ts Sugar

1/4 ts Turmeric

2 c Coconut milk

1 Whole red snapper or

-similar fish, about 1 pound 1 sl Laos [Galangal S.C.]

2 Stalks lemon grass or two

-slices lemon 1/4 lb Spinach or Swiss chard,

-coarsely chopped Process the ginger, onion, chili, salt, sugar, turmeric and 1/4 cup of the coocnut milk into a smooth paste. Set aside Grill fish over charcoal or in a gas or electric broiler for 2 minutes on each side. Put the remaining coconut milk and the spice paste in a large skillet and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add the laos and lemon grass and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the fish and greens, cook for 15 minutes basting occasionally. Serve warm. Serves 4 with rice and other dishes. San Francisco Chronicle, 3/9/88. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; February 24 1993.

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