
4 sl Pork butt, cut 1/2 inch

-thick 1 tb Polyunsaturated oil

1 Garlic clove, finely chopped

1 tb Finely powdered dried

-pasilla Chile 1/4 c Chopped parsley

1 tb Dijon mustard

1 Piece chile chipotle,

-finely powdered Quick broth or water Salt and freshly ground -pepper Brush the slices of meat lightly with oil. Combine garlic, the powdered pasilla and half the parsley; mix very well and pat on both sides of each slice of meat. Let stand while you prepare the mustard. Mix Dijon, finely powdered chipotle and as little or as much broth or water as you like. Grill the chops for 3 or 4 minutes on each side, season well with salt and pepper. Serve with the prepared mustard and sprinkle with remaining parsley. Serves 4. From the San Francisco Chronicle, 6/15/88. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg

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