
***For The Sauce*** 1 recipe Veal Demi-Glace — see recipe

1 cup prepared mole sauce

***For The Lamb Chops*** 3 racks lamb — French-cut

Cavander’s Greek seasoning — to taste ***For The Potatoes*** 3 potatoes — peeled & cubed

3 tablespoons butter

1/4 cup whipping cream

1/2 cup goat cheese — crumbled

Salt and freshly ground pepper — to taste

Grilled Lamb Chops w/ Mole Rojo & Goat Cheese Whipped Potatoes, (entire Title).

For The Sauce:

Prepare a veal demi-glace, substituting lamb bones for veal bones. Mix 1 cup of the demi-glace with 1 cup of prepared mole sauce.

For The Lamb Chops:

Slice the lamb between the bones. Wrap the ends of the bones with foil. Sprinkle with the seasoning.

Grill over medium-hot coals for 3 to 4 minutes per side.

For The Potatoes:

Boil the potatoes in water to cover in a saucepan until tender. Drain well.

Beat the potatoes in a mixer bowl until fluffy. Add the butter, cream, cheese, salt and pepper, beating until smooth.

To Assemble:

Spoon a mound of the potatoes in the center of each of 4 serving plates. Arrange 6 lamb chops in a circle around the potatoes with the bones pointing up. Drizzle the sauce around the edge of the plates.

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