
1/2 c Dry white wine

3/4 c All-purpose broth

-OR low-sodium chicken broth 2 tb Raspberry preserves

-OR frozen raspberry sauce Giblets from roasted duck -OR from roasted goose, – roughly chopped 1/2 c Whipping cream

1 tb Butter

2 tb Green peppercorns in water

– drained Raspberries, a member of the rose family, impart a delicious aroma and spark of flavor to this creative sauce. It is especially good with roast duckling. COMBINE WINE, BROTH, preserves and giblets in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat on the stove. Cook until liquid is reduced by about 1/2. Add the cream and continue to cook until liquid reduces enough to coat

the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and whisk in the butter. Strain the sauce into a sauceboat and discard the giblets. Stir in the peppercorns and serve the sauce with the roasted bird. Makes 1 1/2 Cups ~–

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