
2 tb Butter or margarine

1 tb Oil

4 lg Garlic cloves — minced

1 md Onion — chopped

2 ts Paprika

4 c Chicken broth

1 1/2 lb Tomatoes — chopped

4 oz Canned diced green chiles

1/4 ts Chili powder

Salt, pepper 2 c Plain low-fat yogurt

4 oz Jack or cheddar cheese

– shredded 1 tb Chopped cilantro

Melt butter in large kettle and add oil. Add garlic and saute until lightly browned. Remove garlic and set aside. Add onion to butter and saute until tender. Add paprika and saute 1 minute. Add chicken broth, tomatoes, chiles and chili powder. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes. Stir in yogurt slowly and cook over low heat just until heated through. Do not boil or yogurt will curdle. Add reserved garlic. Ladle into soup bowls and sprinkle with cheese and cilantro. (C) 1992 The Los Angeles Times

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