
12 oz Fresh green beans

1/2 c Chicken broth

1 ts Finely chopped ginger root

1 sm Clove garlic, finely chopped

1/3 c Thin sliced water chestnuts

1 ts Soy sauce

Freshly ground pepper Slice the green beans and water chestnuts ahead of time, but cook just before meal time. Serve tender-crisp and piping hot. Thin, fresh asparagus spears can be substituted for green beans. Wash and drain green beans. French-cut in half lengthwise; set aside. Combine chicken broth, ginger root and garlic in a frypan; bring to a boil. Add green beans and water chestnuts. Sprinkle with soy sauce. Cover tightly and steam 7 to 8 min until tender-crisp. If moisture has not dried off, remove cover, raise heat briefly and shake pan to evaporate remaining liquid. Season to taste with pepper. 3/4 cup serving – 44 calories, 1 fruits & veg. choice 9 grams carbohydrate,

2 grams protein

Source: Choice Cooking, Canadian Diabetes Assoc. 1986 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier Nov 93

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