
4 c Pink grapefruit juice

1/4 t Ground cloves

1/2 t Ground cinnamon

-pinch ground nutmeg Place all ingredients in saucepan and warm over very low heat for 5 minutes. 4 servings, 1 cup each

Cal:98,Fat:0.3g,Chol:0mg,Prot:1.2g,Carb:23g,Fib:0.5g,Sod:2.4mg From _500 Fat-Free Recipes: A Complete Guide to Reducing the Fat in Your Diet: 500 recipes from soup to dessert containing one gram of fat or less_ by Sarah Schlesinger. Villard Books: New York. 1994. ISBN: 0-679-415893. Michelle Dick artemis@rahul.net East Palo Alto, CA May 29, 1994 From Fatfree Digest April-May 1994, Formatting by Sue Smith (using MMCONV)

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