
INGREDIENTS: 3 1/2 c Graham flour

1 c Brown sugar or 3/4 cup syrup

2 c Buttermilk or sour milk

1 t Salt

1 t Soda

DIRECTIONS: Sift flour. Measure and add soda and salt. Sift again. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Add buttermilk to dry ingredients; beat until smooth. Spread dough 1/4″ thick on flat, greased pans. Bake at 375-F for approximately 15 minutes or until crisp and

a golden brown. Let cool thoroughly and grind through a food chopper. Crisp in oven just before serving. Mrs. J. M. Brenneman, Elida, Ohio; Mrs. Alva Swartzentruber, Hydro, Ok. Source: Mennonite Community Cookbook, by Mary Emma Showalter, 1957. Recipes from old Mennonite cookbooks, brought up to date with standard measures and directions. From: Sallie Austin

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