
1 pk Active dry yeast (1/4 oz.)

1/2 c Warm water

-(110-115 degrees F.) 1 c Milk

3/4 c Shortening or margarine

1 1/4 c Leftover mashed potatoes

1/2 c Sugar

2 ts Salt

8 c To 8 1/2 C A-p flour,

-divided 2 Eggs, beaten

Dissolve yeast in water; set aside. In a saucepan, combine milk, shortening, and potatoes; cook and stir over low heat just until shortening is melted. Remove from the heat and place in a large bowl with sugar, salt, 2 cups of flour and the yeast mixture. Add eggs; mix well. Cover loosely and allow to stand for 2 hours (the dough will be like a sponge). Stir in enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 6 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. Punch down and divide into thirds. On a floured surface roll each portion into a 12 inch circle. Cut each circle into 12 pie shape wedges. Beginning at the wide end, roll up each wedge. Place rolls, point side down, on greased baking sheets. Cover and let rise 30 minutes or until nearly doubled. Bake at 400 degrees F. for 15

minutes or until golden. Yield: 3 dozen. Diabetic Exchanges: One roll (prepared with skim milk and margarine) equals 1 1/2 starch, 1 fat; also, 170 calories, 168 mg sodium, 12 mg cholesterol, 28 gm carbohydrate, 4 gm protein, 5 gm fat. SOURCE*Noni Ruegner, SaltLake City, UT, Country Woman Magazine,Sept/Oct93 POSTED BY: Jim Bodle 12/93

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