
2 1/2 lb Beef Brisket

2 T Cooking Fat

2 ea Small Onions *

1 c Brown Sugar, Packed

1/4 t Salt

1/4 t Pepper

1 qt Boiling Water

29 oz (1 cn) Yams, Drained

6 ea Carrots, Pared and Slivered

2 ea Med. Tart Apples, Sliced

3 ea Lg. White Potatoes **

1/2 c Sugar

1/4 c Catsup

1 T Cornstarch

1/2 T Dry Mustard

11 oz (1 cn) Mandarin Orange Segs.

* Onions should be whole and studded with a few cloves. ** Pare and halve the white potatoes. ~————————————————————————- Trim excess fat from beef brisket and brown on both sides in fat in Dutch oven. Pour off drippings. Add onions, 1/4 c brown sugar, salt and pepper. Stir in boiling water. Cover and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 2 hours. Add yams, carrots, apples, white potatoes and 1/4 c brown sugar; continue cooking, covered, 30 minutes. Remove cloves

from onions. Combine sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, catsup, cornstarch and mustard in small saucepan. Drain Mandarin Oranges reserving liquid. Stir liquid into sugar mixture and cook over medium heat until sauce boils. Add madarin oranges. Spoon about half of the sauce over meat. Continue cooking, uncovered, about 30 minutes or until meat is very tender, basting with sauce occasionally. Carve meat diagonally across the grain and place on platter with vegetables. Spoon remaining hot sauce over meat and vegetables. Garnish with parsley flakes or fresh parsley. NOTE: Brisket also can be simmered on top of range until tender or can be cooked in a pressure cookier according to manufacturer’s directions.

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