
G Granaroli XBRG76A 4 lg Eggs

2 1/2 cups flour — (2 1/2 to 3)

8 lg Baking potatoes

2 teaspoon Salt

boil potatoes in skins until just tender. while hot, remove skins and press through potato ricer in a large mound on a floured surface. Make a well in the middle and crack eggs into it. Sprinkle salt around, and add 2 1/2 cups flour around it. Mix eggs in well gently encorporating potato and flour with it. Mix with hands into a ball and add more flour to until dough is not sticky. Place dough on the side on a floured surface. Clean and flour surface well. Cut a piece of dough off and roll into a long snake-like form. (about 1 inch around. Cut into 1 inch pieces and pus aside onto floured surface again to prevent sticking to board or to each other. When all pieces are cut, make grooves by gently rollin the off the grating side of a cheese grater at the same time making an indentation with the thumb, They need not be perfect, just enough groove to hold some sauce. Have a very large pot of salted water boiling. Place half of the gnocchi into the boiling water, stir briefly and cover. When water reboils remove cover. When gnocchi rises to the top. remove with a large slotted strainer and place in serving bowl with sauce of your choice. Mix gently and cover. Repeat with last batch, add more sauce and serve-MrsG Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.00

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