
-No ingredients FLOURS British term Hindi term Whole wheat flour Atta All purpose flour Maida Barley flour Jowar ka atta Rice flour Chaaval ka atta Chickpea flour Gram flour Besan Millet flour Bajri or Bajra ka atta BEANS British term (pulses) Hindi term Split peas, yellow Bengal gram Chana dal Chick peas (or garbanzo beans) Kabuli chana Black gram beans Urad dal Mung beans,whole Whole green gram Sabat mung dal Mung beans,split Split green gram Dhuli mung dal Lentil (split or whole) Masoor ki dal Black eyed Peas Black eyed peas or Cowpeas Chowley or Lobia Red lentils,split Red gram (split) Arhar/Tuver dal Kidney bean Rajmah HERBS Hindi Term Coriander leaves (cilantro) Hara dhania or kothmir Basil Tulsi Bay leaves Tej patta Mint leaves Pudina Curry leaves Curry patta or mitha neem Fenugreek leaves Hari methi Garlic Lasun Fresh ginger Adrak SPICES Hindi term Aniseed or fennel seeds Saunfa Asafoetida Hing Curum Ajwain Black pepper Kali mirch Cardamom Chotee illaichi Black cardamom Kali illaichi (don’t eat raw) Chilli Lai mirch Green Chilli Hari mirch Cinnamon Dalchini Coriander seeds Soohka dhania Cumin seeds Zeera White cumin Safed zeera Black cumin Shah zeera Fenugreek Methi zeera Mace Javantri Ginger, powdered Soonth Mango powder Aamchur Mustard seeds Rai or sarson Nigella seeds Kalonji Poppy seeds Saffron Sesame seeds Gingelly or til Tumeric Haldi Nutmeg Jaiphal Black salt or rock salt Kala namak Fenugreek leaves Methi ka saag MISC Ash gourd Hattichak Pumpkin Kaddu Snake gourd Chahehinda Yam (elephant) *not a sweet potato Zamikand Yam,ordinary(NOT a sweet potato, white flesh, larger) Ratalu Sweet potato Shakarkland SOURCE: _Rotis and Naans of India_ by Purobi Babbar, Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd., Bombay. posted by Anne MacLellan

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