
3/4 c Finely chopped ginger snaps

1/2 c Finely crushed grah. cracker

1 T Sugar

3 T Butter, melted

1 Env. unflavored gelatin

8 oz Can pineapple slices

2 Small bananas

2 c Sliced strawberries

2 Kiwi fruit, peeled and slice

Stir together gingersnaps, graham crackers and sugar. Drizzle with margarine, tossing to combine. Press onto bottom and up sides of a 9″ pie plate to form a firm, even crust. Bake in a 375-degree oven for 5 minutes. Cool. For glaze, drain pineapple, reserving juice(unsweetened juice). Cut pineapple into small pieces and set aside. Add enough unsweetened pineapple juice (about 1 1/2 cups) to the reserved juice to make 1 3/4 cups total liquid. In a small sauce pan stir

together pineapple liquid and gelatin, then let stand 5 minutes. Stir over low heat until gelatin

dissolves. Cover and chill to the consistency of unbeaten egg whites (partially set). Spread 1/3 cup of the glaze over botton of crust. Slice bananans and arrange over glaze. Top with another 1/3 cup of glaze and arrange strawberries over glaze. Stir together pineapple pieces and remaining glaze, then spoon over strawberries. Chill for 2 to 4 hours or until set. Before serving, arrange kiwi fruit on pie.

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