
——– CREAM ——– 3/4 c Butter with:

2 c Sugar, Stir In:

2 Eggs, Well Beaten

1/2 c Molasses

2 t Vinegar

—— SIFT AND ADD —— 3 3/4 c All Purpose Flour

1 1/2 t Soda

3 t Ginger

1/2 t Cinnamon

1/4 t Cloves

? Mix ingredients until well blended. ? Form dough into 3/4-inch balls. ? Preheat oven to 325 degrees. ? Bake on a greased cookie sheet for about 12 minutes. ? As the ball melts down during baking, the cookie develops the character- istic crinkled surface. NOTE: A topping to delight the kids is 1/2 a marshmallow, cut side down, on the almost baked cookies. Return to oven about 4 minutes. When cool, ice to taste. ANOTHER NOTE: This makes 10 dozen, 2-inch cookies. ANOTHER NOTE: If you dunk these in coffee…don’t dring the coffee..

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