
1 lb Firm tofu

1 ea 1″ slice ginger, peeled

2 ea Cloves garlic

6 tb Water

2 tb Peanut butter

1 tb Soy sauce

2 ts Mild curry powder

1 pn Cayenne

1 tb Oil

1 md Onion, chopped

2 c Soy milk

1/2 ts Salt

1/4 ts Black pepper

2/3 c Green peas, fresh/frozen

1/3 c Toasted almonds

Cut tofu into thin strips about 1/4″ by 3/4″ by 1 1/2″. Set aside. In a blender, blend ginger, garlic, water, peanut butter, soy sauce, 1 ts curry powder & cayenne. Pour mixture over the prepared tofu pieces. Gently turn & press tofu till all the liquid is absorbed. In a large skillet, heat oil & saute onion till translucent. Add remaining curry powder. Stir fry for 1 minute, then add tofu & continue to fry till tofu starts to brown. Pour in soy milk, salt & pepper. Bring to a simmer & add peas. Cook for a further 3 minutes. Just before serving, stir in the almonds. “Vegetarian Times” March, 1992

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